General Glass

We can supply glass for almost anything you may need it for.
We do single pane windows, picture frames, greenhouse glass, obscure and clear glass for cupboards, deck railings, leaded doors, tabletops, art projects, fish tank lids... you name it! We can come out to measure and install*, just contact us to make an inquiry or book your appointment. 
*There are certain things we don't do measurements or installations of such as, shower door glass, skylights, framing, etc.  


Mirrors for your vehicle, house or business. Mirrors of any shape or size, we do it! 
Call or come in to get a quote and order your custom mirror.
Mirrors for your vehicle can be ordered over the phone or here at the shop and take about a day to receive (special orders excluded).
*Mirrors can no longer be beveled.

***all Special order items require prepayment as they’re non-returnable***